Lot Numbers: ADC0001-ADC0350 will have an auction end time of 5:00 P.M (JST) / 12:00 P.M (AED) / 4:00 P.M (Hong Kong) / 1:30 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.
Lot Numbers: ADC0351-ADC0583 will have an auction end time of 5:30 P.M (JST) / 12:30 P.M (AED) / 4:30 P.M (Hong Kong) / 2:00 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.
Lot Numbers: BDP0001-BDP0350 will have an auction end time of 6:00 P.M (JST) / 1:00 P.M (AED) / 5:00 P.M (Hong Kong) / 2:30 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.
Lot Numbers: BDP0351-CDL0009 will have an auction end time of 6:30 P.M (JST) / 1:30 P.M (AED) / 5:30 P.M (Hong Kong) / 3:00 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.
Lot Numbers: DDM0001-DDM0050 will have an auction end time of 7:00 P.M (JST) / 2:00 P.M (AED) / 6:00 P.M (Hong Kong) / 3:30 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.
Lot Numbers: DDM0051-DDM0100 will have an auction end time of 7:30 P.M (JST) / 2:30 P.M (AED) / 6:30 P.M (Hong Kong) / 4:00 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.
Lot Numbers: DDM0101-DDM0144 will have an auction end time of 8:00 P.M (JST) / 3:00 P.M (AED) / 7:00 P.M (Hong Kong) / 4:30 P.M (India) with a maximum of 15 minutes of extension time in 5 minutes increment.